I made one earlier attempt at blogging. After my blogging had slowed down a bit, I logged onto my site one morning to find the entire site in some Arabic language, thus meaning, that on the site I created to share my thoughts, I couldn't actually read "my thoughts." Being all but computer illiterate, I chose to take that as a sign and discontinue the blog rather than try to figure out how to get back to English.

I don't really ask a lot out of life in most cases, but a simple base level of communicative skill is important to me. Like for example, yesterday on a Sports talk radio update, I heard the following bit of journalistic genius: "The Spurs have won 20 straight and 10 of their last 12." Shockingly, I managed not to slam my car into an on-coming garbage truck. This was perhaps a 60 second update that might have contained 7 sentences. Perhaps the math and logic checkers were both on a break then. Perhaps, now that the Thunder have won and changebackd the streak to one, journalistic math may not be so elusive.

Although I expect more from trained journalists (as I generously include sports talk radio personnel in that category), the lack of basic communication skill does not stop there. A couple of days ago I meant a client at Lotsabucks becasue it was convenient for everyone to meet there... everyone except the girl behind the counter. I don't care what sort of lofty focus-group generated title they choose to give her, until she actually demonstrates an ability to focus on my order, I'm sticking with "girl behind the counter"... just like I refuse to use bizarre titles for their sizes. My order will remain "just put it in the biggest cup you have." At any rate, after my beverage had been successfully made, and all that remained was to put the freaking lid on the cup, a co-worker came up and started talking to her about something completely unrelated to the difficult task of handing me my order. This went on for a good minute or two, while I waited. I know the girl knew I was there, becasue even though short attention span may have caused her to forget she was preparing a beverage for a customer, surely the beverage in her hand would have caused her to put the pieces of this logical puzzle back together. I am reasonably confident the guy knew I was there, as he had just walked past this 800 pound bald man. I should trust that their conversation was at least, in some tangential way, related to an emerging coffee crisis that required immediate attention.
But I do have to give her credit for at least speaking to me, when she finally got around to focusing on the customer. I can't even count the number of "fast food" (I am not verifying the accuracy of either word in that title) or gas station transactions that have gone from beginning to end without one word being spoken to me by the "customer service representative" (again, not verifying the accuracy of any word in that title). She has the bluetooth in the ear, phone hidden in some either clever or disturbing place, and simply points to number display on the register so that I can continue my Coke Zero addiction without a word. Frankly, I've gotten to the point where I don't mind. I know how much my Crack Zero will cost, and I go in with exact change because I have come to realize that life is far too short to waste hours waiting for a long enough break in counter-girl's covnersation to figure out how much change I should get from my dollar. For the record, 24-cents. Every time. Its not really that complex.
So about Blog 2.0... yeah, just whatever rolls out of my fingers onto the screen. Sometimes, I will rant. Sometimes, I'll go on and on and on about cooking. I may even talk politics, but be assured, if I do, I am talking about the sport of politics, not taking a side. Even though I am always Wright (and have a driver's license to prove it), you do not have to agree with me. I am always amused when people use a "social media" source like Facebook to demand that "friends" agree with whatever political or social cause my "friend" is stirred up about, followed by a string of insulting responses to "freinds" who dare to express a divergent view. Can we review the term "social" media and add in a little modern day "Miss Manners"? And please don't tell me it "proves" I don't love my momma, God, Coke Zero, soldiers, puppies or anything else if I refuse to comply with your demand to repost the status. Sorry, I just have this thing about my status actually being "my" status.
Now... go tell your everyone you know to read my blog... unless you want to prove you don't like puppies.
Or soldiers.
Or air.
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