I have a fairly simple theory when it comes to McDonalds... If I'm going to settle for something as sub-mediocre as McDonald's, I might as well not pay much to do it.
So when I asked the McCounter dude about the new Grilled Onion CHEDDAR, I simply assumed he had misspoken when he described it as a burger with grilled onion and swiss cheese.
He did not misspeak. The Grilled Onion Cheddar arrived, complete with Swiss Cheese, but sans cheddar.
There's a giant banner on top of the McRoof where the word cheddar stands out like my giant bald head.
I'm just saying, maybe this is what you deserve when you put a red-shoed clown in charge of the menu.
This was sort of like the time I was enjoying the sights and cuisine of Maui and ordered a Hawaiian Pizza. Yeah.. not really their thing. Apparently, any fast food with pineapple must, by law, have Hawaiian in the name, whether actual Hawaiians have ever consumed the food or not.
I get that not all food names should not be taken literally. I do realize that hot dogs contain no actual dog meat. Only contestants on Fear Factor would seriously think that name is an actual descriptive name. Welsh Rabbit contains no actual rabbit. In fact, the name comes from the time when the poor in Welsh would make the melted cheese over bread dish, with their being a "rare bit" of meat. Irony being what it is, the name morphed.
Just a word of warning... "sweetbread" is neither "sweet" nor "bread" but rather some marketing deparment's deceptive ploy to make "fried pancreas" have a least a small chance of being ordered.
Fortunately, "pico de gallo" contains neither roosters nor beaks.
Refried beans, in reality, are fried only once.
You do not need to worry about eating dry shards of fuzzy threads while eating "pigs in a blanket", and franly, given the questionable quasi-meat content of hot dogs, they may not contain any pig either.
I'm relatively confident, no french people are harmed in the making of french fries.

If I order a chili dog, I expect chili.
If I order pepperoni pizza, although I really have no idea what pepperoni is, I know I need to some some red-food-like circles on the pie.
If I order chocolate pie, I'm really not expecting to bite into giant chunks of delicious apples.
Did you ever eat an Elephants Ear at the Fair, only to go to the circus and see that all elephants present still had both giant floppy ears?
So my vegetarian friends, I can confirm that it is safe for you to eat Bear Claws. No actual bears were mutated in the making of the pastry.
Just to be safe, I'm never eating anything named Spotted Dick.
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